Client Messaging & Reminders

Stay connected to your clients with quick, easy,
relevant and timely communications!

So op­er­a­tion­ally simple, the mes­saging fea­ture is de­signed to "light­en the load" of every­day ad­min­is­tra­tion
and your rewards program.

Com­mu­nic­at­ing ef­fect­ively has nev­er been easi­er! Mes­sages are auto­mat­ic­ally sent to clients when they re­ceive points or re­deem for prizes, for ap­point­ment re­mind­ers, re­calls and much more. You can also send cus­tom mes­sages to in­di­vidu­als, groups of clients and staff. Best of all be­cause it's web-based, you are sim­ul­tan­eously sav­ing time and money!

  • Hub Messages
    Hub Messages
  • Appointment dates/times
    Appointment dates/times
  • Mobile & Home Computers
    Mobile & Home Computers
  • Social Media Outlets
    Social Media Outlets
  • Emails

Wheth­er it's an up­date about your busi­ness, a note of con­grat­u­la­tions on treat­ment suc­cess or re­mind­er of an up­com­ing ap­point­ment, mes­saging is an ef­fect­ive way to build a re­la­tion­ship between you and your clients.

Interested? See Reminders in Action!